Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! We thank God for the last year and it is my prayer that every good thing will happen to you this year. You will see God’s hand move on your behalf.

Amidst the clamor of the world and the mounting responsibilities we face, the reassuring truth remains: within us resides a guiding Presence, lead- ing us to embrace and enjoy all that God has prepared for us. Yet, we must actively seek this connection, understanding that it requires deliberate pursuit rather than expecting automatic bestowal.

Reflecting on our student days, we held dearly to the principles of faith. Discussions on fasting, prayers, evangelism, Bible study, and giving were pivotal. We understood that true knowledge of God equips us to be strong and achieve extraordinary feats (Daniel 11:32). It meant being fervent in our devotion i.e. being on fire for God.

Transitioning beyond campus life, our commitment must remain stead- fast despite the multitude of responsibilities and distractions. This year, our focus shifts to maintaining that fiery passion for Him. Romans 12:11 says ” Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;” Indeed, our sole business as believers is advancing the gospel. God desires us to sustain our fervor for Him.

In the coming year, we revisit the foundations or permit me to say re-dig- ging the wells of prayer, fasting, giving, evangelism, and collective gather- ings. Through fervency, we follow God’s plan, reaping abundant fruitful- ness. This year holds abundant promises, and my earnest prayer is for us to witness their fulfillment in full measure. Notable testimonies will fill our lips-bodies healed, provisions abundant, clear directions-and, above all, a profound experience in fellowship with Him.

Dearly beloved, remain unwavering in faith. May this year be one of great reward and fulfillment.

In His Service, 

Bankole Oderemi (NILAA President)